Lose Your Mind

In this incredibly bizarre episode of the Evil Examined Podcast we take a look at otherworldly relationships. Close encounters of the absurd kind. Are aliens splicing their species in with humanity? From a man who claims to have evidence of an intergalactic three way, to a group of women who have given birth, and continue to mother mutant children, the freakin' episode has it all...
This week we continue our journey into ruining all fantasy and fun by interviewing none other than world renowned non-believer John the Skeptic. We continue last weeks discussion and delve into some highly bizarre and strange topics that culminate in an exercise that will test the limits of both John's skepticism as well as all of our listeners...
This week we dive into the brain of one of our own. The man who doesn't believe in anything cool; John the Skeptic. We broach a variety of topics to see if the skeptic can find any room in his cold black heart for the otherworldly. Or will he simply crush our dreams and send us screaming back into a boring world with no magic or surprises?
It's an age old argument; can a game set in a fictional world cause someone to commit violence? Can it influence their actions? Should creators feel responsibility? Should material deemed perverse, ultra-violent, or obscene be banned for the minority that may be triggered to do something horrible as a result of immersing themselves in it? This week we discuss one of the all-time controversial video games, and the horrific crime some said came as a result of the sinful software...
On this very special bonus edition of Evil Examined we take a look at a variety of highly unsettling encounters. From lonely walks home, to hitching a ride with a weirdo, to home invading vagrants, to an eerie campground story, we touch on the shivers. The bizarre and strange that will leave you scratching your head and disturbed before bed.
As promised, this week we bring you back to the place where dreams die and hope fades away. Where a rancid evil lurks with reckless abandon and sinister motive. If you enjoyed our Extra Evil episode "Going to Hell" from a few months ago, then buckle up and find you best flame retardant garments, because this week we are headed back. This trip promises to be just as painful and horrifying as the first. Get ready to BURN IN HELL...
It's that special day. The day when everything's supposed to be perfect. The day when everyone is supposed to drink too much and party like it's nineteen-ninety-nine. A day when family and friends show their support for the beginning of a beautiful bond.
But what if someone wasn't there just to celebrate and have fun? What if the extravagant isolated destination was chosen for a more nefarious reason than assumed? What if someone at the ceremony held a dark secret? One that would see those in attendance slaughtered and humiliated in ways so nightmarish, they're beyond imagination. What if most everyone at the celebration had unknowingly attended a Wedding Day Massacre?
Splatterpunk Award nominated author Aron Beauregard extends his invitation to you.
WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of getting laced and putting out entirely free content.
Email us at EvilExamined@gmail.com to have your photo added to the sickos page. You will be issued your Evil Army identification number and a write up done personally by Evil Examined!
Written in Red is a podcast by and for horror readers and writers. Aron Beauregard, Carver Pike, Daniel Volpe, and Rowland Bercy Jr. gather to spotlight the disturbing, macabre, and overlooked books that you've probably never heard of. They also discuss every imaginable aspect of what it takes to write horror.
The current AEW superstar and FTW Champion, and overall beast speaks on how he uses Daddi Bace's phenomenal physique as a means of motivation. Curls for the girls.
To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen takes time out to express his deep concerns for JP of the Evil Examined Podcast. He offers some advice and council in an effort to keep him on the straight and narrow...
The disturbing final message from whacked out spree killer Elliot Rodger...
You've heard him on the Evil Examined Podcast discussing The Station Nightclub Fire in addition to other appearances, now listen to Brendan Snodgrass on his micro-cast "Drop In New England," wherever you get your podcasts! Join him to learn about all things New England outdoors. The best surfing, snowboarding, backpacking, biking, trails, fishing, food/beverage, and boating that this side of the country has to offer!
Click the photo to check out Jasper Bark's stomach-spilling stories from his collection Stuck on you and other Prime Cuts! The sick ones from the Evil Examined Podcast highly recommend this stuff filth for your consumption. Available for purchase on Amazon.
Click the photo to check out William Becker's grim stories NY Onions and Seventh Circle for free! The perverts of the Evil Examined Podcast highly recommend this stuff if you enjoy a grey world of surrealism in your writing. Additionally his books Grey Skies and Weeping of the Caverns can be purchased on Amazon via this site.
Billy Silver, a low-life, self-downtrodden junkie, needs some cash to get his next fix. After getting kicked out of his own band, Shit Fist, losing his girlfriend, and left with no other options, he decides to sell his flesh to the ink of a needle at a newly opening tattoo shop...
The Belgian UFO Wave and the mysterious disappearance of Frederick Valentich are two examples of inexplicable strange sky phenomena. One event that spread over a two year period and was witnessed by thousands while the other was a singular event which became a frightened pilot's final testament. Lastly Chicago's 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO sighting saw a massive metallic disc hover over various airport personnel before vanishing in seconds and punching a hole through the overcast. Accompany us into the clouds this week as we being our three part trilogy with 10 year Air Traffic Control veteran "John the Aviator" and break down the most credible UFO cases in history.
This week we are rejoined by 10 year Air Traffic Control veteran "John the Aviator" to examined a few more shockingly credible UFO cases. We finish up our discussion on the 2006 O'Hare Airport sighting and transition into the unnerving 1982 case of Portuguese Air Force pilot Julio Guerra. Then last but certainly not least, the 2007 sighting of a pair of gigantic yellow UFOs over the English Channel that were witnessed by multiple pilots.
In the final volume of our trilogy we put the magnifying glass on the famous Phoenix Lights incident that transpired in 1997. An event that left residents so awestruck it stopped baseball games in progress as a massive silent black craft overtook the skies above frightened townsfolk. Additionally we look at the Hudson Valley UFO wave and answer the question; have government fighter pilots ever fired on UFOs? All that leading up to an analysis of the most recent event in which the United States Government confirmed the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena...
If you have never heard of Evil Examined before this is the perfect time to find out what we're all about. Condensed in this episode are the best moments cherry picked from our first depraved year. Listen in disgust as each member of the unholy trinity reveals their top 10 picks since starting the show. May God save us!
He has a VERY interesting story here. Either he's completely crackers or he was witness to something otherworldly.
Check 'em out, looks like they got these fuckers on video!
Andrew Basiago discusses time traveling back to witness Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
For the first time in his life witness him lick a 9 Volt Battery!
How Fucking Awesome is this? Do the right thing and watch this immediately! Could there really be a sea monster in Portsmouth RI?!
Staring Theresa Saldana The true story of the brutal attack on actress Theresa Saldana by an unbalanced fan. As a result of her ordeal and its aftermath, Saldana becomes involved in the victims' rights movement.
Conspiracy of Silence is a 56-minute unreleased documentary film produced by Yorkshire Television in 1994. The subject of the film is an alleged child sexual abuse ring involving a number of prominent Nebraska persons, including Lawrence King, an Omaha banker, political fundraiser, and convicted felon. The documentary was scheduled for broadcast in the United States on cable outlet Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. However, it was never aired. Proponents of the film claim that it was withdrawn due to political pressure; neither Yorkshire Television nor Discovery Channel commented officially on why it was not aired.
Footage taken moments after the fiery crash that led to the controversial journalist's death...
After mocking his residents while Governor Fife admits that he in fact witnessed the giant craft too and had no fucking clue what to do about it.
Leaked footage The Leaked Newscast about the Remarkable Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Encounter in 2006
A look at the bizarre times and horrible crimes of serial killer Herbert Mullins...
About the length of a horror movie but probably scarier than anything you've ever seen.
From true crime horrors to the paranormal, evil knows no bounds. Nor do the creeps at Evil Examined. We‘re prepared to find the most malevolent, strange news and content that we can from across the globe. Become a subscriber to a podcast that even the most depraved minds will have trouble digesting. Learn about the Odd News stories each week, delve into the Forbidden Five list where we select quick topics of strangeness to dissect for you, then follow us for a deep dive on our Evil Entry where we select a different disturbing subject to beat to death while you listen. Finally we give you the reveal for our companion episode Fact or Fable. Where we bring you a new blood drenched tale each week, written acted and completely produced by us. It’s up to you to decide if you think it’s real or just a savage disturbing chunk of entertainment we’ve carved out for you.
Have some evil of your own you’d like to share? Our team at Evil Examined is very open to exploring all forms of evil. Email us if you’d like to be a guest, we can set up a phone call and determine if your story suits our show premise!
We plan to be doing this until all crew members are dead. Expect Evil content regularly, expect us to announce Evil Events we’ll be scheduling or attending. Expect Evil original topics, art, writing and entertainment for years to come!
Please reach out to us if you want to provide feedback, place orders or suggest topics.
Rhode Island, United States
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